How To Make Appropriate Jokes About Him

How To Make Appropriate Jokes About Him

The men cannot stand vulnerability. This chapter reveals the way you can find out the weak points of man and how to make jokes on his behalf.

Do you want the man to know well his place?

Then make an appropriate use of 4 male weaknesses: career, the length of penis, height, hair. If you act with wisdom, you will be always be able to keep your dignity. In the following page, I explain how one could master the technique of “tackling” the man without risks.

Make use of techniques allowing you to take the leading positions in relationship, apply them with wisdom and patience. But stay attentive not to exaggerate in order to avoid offending your man, creating the impression of witch.

“Why?”, you can ask the reasons I started this chapter. Because All is Fair in Love and War!

EGO of many men is a bit exaggerated, thus “mocking” his weak points is a good technique of putting him at his place. If the man overpasses any boundaries, then you should understand that is high time to change the game.

Four weaknesses you can choose to “banter” a man:

  • Penis length

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Men always specify a little dick, when they try to humiliate another man. They like to compare their penis size with that of other men in conflict moments. If your man has a small penis, try mocking a little only if your relationship has become serious and you have built a strong confidence base in a couple.

Do not exaggerate and do not offend the man!

Sarcasm is simple, using for example an association related to something small and nice, for example “cuke”. This kind of joke allows you keeping a superior position.

  • Hair

For a man, hair loss is associated with loss of seduction and sex appeal. They are aware that just a few men remain attractive with bold head. You can joke in a following way:” The next time you go to hairdresser’s, do not forget about me.” Put him down a little, emphasizing his weak points.

  • Height is the feature leading to low confidence, a weapon in mocking men.

Make a tall man feel bruiser and a short man feel dwarf.

  • Career

The professional success of man functions like aphrodisiac for the most of women. A man spends a half of his life trying to get successful, and the other half proving that he has deserved it. A man needs confirmation that he has the necessary skills and that you are aware of it.

A self-confident man will not react at this kind of words. The best way of mocking a man consists in choosing one of his imperfections that makes him bother.

Believe you or not, but men adore this kind of challenges.

While he is trying to convince you about his value, take suddenly the control over game. Irony is ideal for a man remaining in depth of his soul a kind person, only a little bit arrogant.